meetings for worship

Invitation to worship

We welcome everyone to our Meeting.  Our worship together is through both expectant silence and spoken words, (unprogrammed worship), that is, there is no prescribed program of worship.  We believe that there is that of God in everyone, our inner Light.  Sitting quietly here, each seeks to have an immediate sense of Divine Leading and to know first-hand the presence of the Spirit.  All worshipers share equally in the meeting; each person who enters the meeting contributes to the depths of the worship as a whole.

The beginning of worship is a time of centering one’s own heart and mind, for listening to one’s own still and small voice within, and for sensing the oneness of the gathered meeting.

After this time of silence, one may feel drawn to share something from the quiet and may simply rise and speak briefly. Each message given is first thoughtfully considered. Some moments of silence follow each message shared. When the meeting is over we turn and greet the persons near us.

We extend this welcome because we believe that the Friends’ testimony of equality requires a single standard of treatment for all human beings. All people share in the Light. We affirm and welcome to our Meeting all who search for Truth. We extend our loving care, concern, and support to all individuals, couples, and families in our Meeting and the community.

First Day meetings for worship (Sunday)

meeting house(parking info)
masks optional
masks optional ~ childcare available
online & call-in
(same times)

connection detail

online:  early meeting for worship (video)

call-in:  413-424-6469   PIN: 397 098 780#

connection detail

online:  later meeting for worship (video)

call-in:  401-684-3307   PIN: 260 711 726#

when joining online or call-in ...

you'll hear greetings up until the start of our Meeting, which begins as usual with silence.  If you connect after the start of the Meeting, don't be alarmed if you hear nothing -- trust that we are there and just being quiet, until led to speak, as usual. 

Please do mute your mic on your phone or computer so as to reduce the background noise that may disturb Friends -- unmute your mic if you feel led to share.   

(To unmute your phone, use *6 )

midweek meeting for worship (Wednesday)

meeting house(parking info)

6pm MST

masks optional